Susie, thank hat for the summer you for your comment. I am puzzled over your comment. This article is about sin and so why do you essentially say that a person is not saved unless they get baptized. Then you are adding to the full work of salvation and Jesus said at the cross "Paid in full" (in th Greek). You are essentially saying that, "Sorry Jesus, your death was not enough& I must add to it by being baptized. Nice try Jesus but your death on the cross wasn't enough& .I need to complete it with me being baptized. A person that is saved SHOULD get baptized& .
but what you quoted "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, he that believeth not shall be damned" does not say "He that believes and is baptized shall be saved in order to men's hat for summer be saved."There are also scores of people who in car wrecks who professed faith in Christ. Once with a pastor who included it in his lifetime experiences and came to the scene after the accident. Remember that these three people who were dying and not able mens hat types to be baptized professed with their tongue faith in Christ. The two elderly people understood the plan of salvation as I explained it clearly to them.
Its to believe in Jesus& thats all, its a new creation, new world there shouldnt be any need to waste time on debating it& because thars what this evil bad men want so we are kept busy blind we are already controlled trained thats why we miss the obvious simple when its right in front of us.Jack I'm asking ushanka hat you to be my pastor I know thats why peace came over me so I figure its cause God knows I will understand what you say or what I cant find dont know where to look in the bible. I like what you were saying in replys repenting that you can use common sense or out of the box you might say because scripture doesnt have to prove what Jesus is saying.
I disagree (even if its not verbatim in Gods word) that at all costs we should refrain from divorce. Abuse, which I define as drug/alcohol/sex and other addictions, sexual abuse of a minor or child or spouse, sexual abuse of spouse including force of sex or with holding of sex, verbal physical or emotional abuse. I personally believe, and agree I am accountable for this, that God does not desire this for any man woman or child, and that it is grounds for divorce even without reconciliation. Having personal experience with this, I would stake my future in heaven on it.
Shawn, I pray white hat you will ask God to forgive you of your sins, by turning from them and turning toward Christ Jesus. Trust in Him. Believe in Him and what He did for you on the Cross. He willingly sacrificed Himself upon that cross for you Shawn. No one killed Him. He sacrificed Himself for you. Believe in Him and His Resurrection bodily from the grave three days later, and you will be born again. God's Spirit will fill you and you will know that these things are true. Do this and you
will go to heaven when you die and not hell.